Involvement degree
Passionated engineers
Cumulatives participations
Best result
Why Jéroboam ?
Parce qu’au-delà d’être le nom d’une bouteille de 3L de vin, c’est un acronyme qui nous correspond:
JEunes ROBOts Autonomes Marnais
As a large part of the team is from Reims, we wanted to highlight our region by choosing a theme reflecting the Champagne region. Our team and our robots will therefore be in the colors of this prestigious product.

What is the Cup Goal ?
The French Robotics Cup is a fun, scientific and technical challenge in amateur robotics for teams of young robotics enthusiasts.
This competition has been held every year since 1994 and brings together more than 1500 students and young engineers. It is the largest gathering of engineering schools in Europe.
Almost all of the participants are enthusiasts who work or are about to work in the robotics and innovation sectors.
This target audience attracts a large number of technology companies that are partners of the event or support teams participating in the competition.
Participants must design and then build robots autonomous, compliant with the rules and suitable to participate in the games. A new regulation listing all the actions that the robots must perform is presented every year.
The teams then have 9 months to develop their machines. This includes a hardware design part (mechanical systems and electronic cards) and a computer programming part (actuator controls and match strategy).
Our robots
A good robot is able to move quickly and precisely and execute predefined actions. It is composed of different actuators allowing it to manipulate the game elements efficiently to generate a maximum of points during the 100 seconds of a game. Equipped with numerous sensors, it can adapt to its environment in real time to avoid collisions with opposing robots.
Why supporting us becoming a sponsor ?
The companies that support us can derive various benefits from partnering with a team like ours. In particular, this allows them to :
Some pictures
Ultra-compact unit that integrates the two brushless gear motors that drive the robots. It has been used by the UTC team since 2015. Lucas participated in its design and manufacture.
At the top of the picture, we can see one of the elements of the playing air used that year.
Rack system for electronic cards. It was developed by Jeroboam members for UTT robots.
Design stage and 3D modeling of robots
The 2021 playground on which the robots will compete by performing actions.
In the center is the prototype of our first robot.
Le premier prototype de nos robots 2021.